Your Family Has Taken My Breath Away

In my (Steven’s) last post I had just hit send on my “Can we meet for a coffee or a beer?” email to Wallace.   I’m actually sitting and writing this post now in the same spot I was sitting that night back on January 17th.  So much has happened in the last 5 and a half weeks.  Wallace shared what happened immediately after he received my email in his “Nigerian Prince” post.   Its really funny that his reaction was exactly what I had feared that it would be.  When I clicked send on that email that night I felt it sounded exactly like one of those “cousins who needs money” emails and I feared it would end up in the garbage.  And that’s exactly what happened.  What happened after that though is awesome.

Both Wallace and Aunt Terry (in her posted comment to Wallace’s “Nigerian Prince” post) expressed regret about their initial responses to my overtures. But, I want them and everyone to know how very special they both are. Anybody who hears this story will recognize the makings of “a tall tale”. It just so happens though that this one turned out to be true and it wouldn’t have come true without Wallace and Aunt Terry. Ultimately, my first telephone call with Wallace and his willingness to meet even though “this was blowing his mind.” (mine too)… Then Wallace’s and Karen’s reaching out to Patty and me over lunch that first Sunday…. And then, the several texts and talks between Wallace and me that ensued over the next 24 hours after. And finally, Wallace’s and Karen’s sharing their home on Monday. All were such a comfort and welcoming way to meet Cathie and Bill.

Aunt Terry sent an email that same Monday morning that Patty and I were to meet Cathie and Bill at Wallace’s and Karen’s. (I hadn’t previously shared that I’d sent a letter to Aunt Terry in December.) Aunt Terry had not seen the card I had sent her up until the night before and was expressing regret. Patty read Aunt Terry’s email along with me that morning. She and I both were so touched with Terry’s message. I said to Terry in my response then that she shouldn’t feel bad and more importantly I went on to say (and I continue to say to all of you now)….

“What you (all) should feel really good about is that in these last few days (now weeks) every interaction I’ve had with your family has taken my breath away. You are all obviously very caring and loving people. I am overwhelmed with the responses from all of you. I could go on for paragraphs to tell you how much … your caring and encouragement means to me.”

What’s even more overwhelming now than it was then on January 18th is my realization that “your family” is “my family”! I look so forward to meeting you all.


2 Replies to “Your Family Has Taken My Breath Away”

  1. Thank you Steve. Again, I can’t wait to meet you and your family. Patty and your boys must be exceptional because of the support they are showing you. This is life changing for everyone. It’s impossible to express how excited I am for the 17 the to arrive. The words don’t exist. I’m so excited and, like Cathie, we will do everything we can to make it a perfect day.

    1. Thanks Aunt Terry. That is another of the (small?) miracles that has happened. This is about as disruptive a life event as I could imagine and the comfort and grace that my wife (Patty) and both my boys (Michael and Kyle) have demonstrated is amazing. Likewise, with my mother Ellen Banner. When I shared with her what has happened and that I’d like to open up my heart and life and make room for all of you guys (and girls) she unhesitatingly told me that it was very important for me to do so and encouraged me to go forward. All I can say is that this was meant to be. That is the only explanation. 🙂

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